Thursday, June 30, 2016

I'm back

I'm finally back! I guess I haven't really felt like I've had a lot to say. Maybe I'm just lazy. Who knows? At any rate, I'm here. I am about to launch a career at a different entity. I have been traveling to different school districts serving as a technology integration specialist for three years. I've built relationships, served teachers and students, and tried out a lot of different rental cars. One day I came in to work, and I got the, "I need to talk to you in my office" spiel. I went from a technology integration specialist to an information security liaison. I know, right? You're wondering, "What the heck is that?" I still am. It involves stuff like writing password policies and procedures and something about data encryption. Riveting, huh? That was about a month ago. I found out just how much of a people person I am. I have cried and prayed and griped (a lot) at home. I feel like a fish out of water in this cubicle world. So I've summoned my courage and entrepreneur inner being. I put together a proposal and sent it to key people. Because of that, I was offered an instructional technologist position in a school district for more pay than I'm receiving now, with more freedom to continue coaching in other places, the ability to present at key conferences, and some extra benefits. It is so true that when one door closes, God makes sure there is another door open. It's not generally at the time you want it to happen or where you thought it would be, but there is an opportunity. I believe God has a plan for me and for each one of us. That plan could include a winding road or a path that leads us right back where we started, but it is a greater plan than we can even imagine for ourselves.

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