Wow! I can't believe it's been since 2017 since I've posted anything on this blog. My husband and I are fairly private people so I'm not one to feel I have to share all aspects of our lives. Suffice it to say, I'm getting back into recording some of my thoughts and musings.
Events: My last granddaughter was born on January 14, 2018. My dad passed away on June 20, 2022. My mom broke both of her hips, has dementia, and had to be put into a nursing home. 😠My first great-grandson was born on November 8, 2023. My second great-grandson is due at the beginning of March this year. I retired in August 2023. Yeah, so there are some really important events that I haven't written about.
I'm embarking on a new journey with a part-time job for a local college and am really excited about it. I love being retired but I miss being around people and using my skillset.
I've been listening to the Bible in a year podcast. I am reminded of the verses in Mark 3:21-22 where Jesus says, "A kingdom at war with itself will collapse. A home divided against itself is doomed." Powerful words that I wish our country would heed at the present time.
This is the first year in many that I haven't attended TCEA and I'm already missing the collaborations, excitement, and learning that takes place at that awesome conference. Being a TCEA board member was one of the greatest professional achievements of my career and I'm grateful for that special era.
I was blessed recently while visiting my Grandmother in Albuquerque. She is 98 years young and taught me so much throughout my life. Her home was a safe place that I was privileged to visit a few weeks a year. I felt special and so loved by her and my grandad. Memories of going to the donut place, shopping, and miniature golf rise to the top of my mind. Also, the seemingly eternal "snappy" naps my grandad took while we were waiting to go do something.I recently acquired a "My Life Calendar". It is based on living 85 years. Each circle stands for a week of life so you can only imagine how long it took me to scratch off the circles to get to 61 years! I guess there are two ways of looking at this poster. One is morbidly, dreading the fact that there are a lot fewer circles to scratch off than ones already done. The second, and the one I choose, is to realize that I need to get busy and enjoy the rest of the circles as much as possible! The traveling and adventure that we didn't do earlier in our lives because we had kids at home, we had to work full time, and excuses, excuses, excuses... I choose life and adventure!
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